Dr. Cynthia Wong

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Dr. Cynthia Wong treats patients of all ages at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics, though a large majority are children and adolescents. Because of this, she often treats the dental phenomena known as Fluorosis. This occurs when a child is exposed to an abnormal amount of fluoride. The results are thin and white streaks on the teeth. Fluorosis isn’t harmful, but it does alter your child’s appearance. To learn more, visit our office in Orland Park, IL.


It’s important to note that fluorosis isn’t a dangerous or harmful condition. This isn’t a cause for concern. Children are the only ones at risk because fluorosis affects teeth that haven’t emerged from the gum line. Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in our water supply. It keeps teeth clean and healthy! It’s only recommended that a child is evaluated for fluorosis because it is a sign of a nutritional imbalance.


The best way to minimize a young child’s oversaturation of fluoride is through breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents breastfeed their child until it reaches the age of three. This is not possible or recommended for everyone. Breastmilk contains all the necessary nutritional elements that your child needs. Using formula increases your child’s risk of fluorosis. That’s because many types of formula require water. As mentioned, water is one of the largest sources of fluoride. You also need to pay attention to how much toothpaste you’re using. Your Orland Park dentist recommends brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they come in. Children under the age of three should never use more than a grain of rice worth of toothpaste.


Once a child reaches the age of three, they should start brushing twice a day. Being negligent of their dental care guarantees gum disease and cavities. Children don’t need more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste each time. Make sure they aren’t swallowing it after brushing. Using too much toothpaste or ingesting dental products is a surefire way to develop fluorosis.


At Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics, your child’s health is our top priority. If you are interested in learning more about Fluorosis or our orthodontic services, contact our office in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit her website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Broken Retainer

After your braces are removed, you will require some sort of retainer. This might be bonded, removable, or a combination. But what should you do if you break your retainer? You’ll need to reach out to Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics right away! It must be replaced immediately. Your retainer keeps your teeth in their new position, maintaining all your progress. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong as soon as possible. Contact her office in Orland Park, IL.


You might not notice right away when a bonded retainer is damaged. It’s one of the reasons you need checkups with your Orland Park orthodontist. No matter how careful you are, wear and tear put your retainer at risk. There are also hard foods and sports injuries too.


Do not try fixing your retainer by yourself. It needs to be repaired by an orthodontic professional only. You may cause more damage to the retainer, or even injure yourself. There are a few things that you can do while you wait. First, buy an over-the-counter nightguard. This works as a makeshift retainer for your teeth. It helps prevent your teeth from moving too majorly while you sleep. Make sure to avoid any harder foods too. These will damage your retainer even more.


Pay attention to any irritated or injured areas. Treating these early stops them from worsening. Try gargling with salt water to soothe these spots. You might also want to invest in an antibacterial mouth rinse too.


Straightening your teeth with orthodontic treatment is a lifelong investment. Your retainer is what keeps it all together after! Contact Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics right away when your retainer is damaged. She is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit her website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Getting Your Braces Removed

After all the appointments, discomfort, and pain, you’re finally getting your braces off! Congratulations! There’s no need to be nervous before your last orthodontic adjustment with Dr. Cynthia Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics. It’s a straightforward and simple process. Just in case you are worried, your Orland Park, IL, orthodontist has put together this simple guide. Here is everything you need to know about getting your braces off.


The braces removal process is quick. It takes about an hour maximum. The best part is that it is completely painless! The only thing you’ll notice is a bit of pressure and some scrapping while finishing everything up. Your orthodontist clips off the brackets while a scrapper or polisher removes the adhesives from the surface of the teeth. After Dr. Wong finishes, your teeth will look brand new! The only thing you might notice is some white spots where the brackets were. These are easily treated though.


Almost everyone requires a retainer of some sort after removal. This is to keep your newly aligned teeth in place. Your teeth will be loose for a while so they need the support. The type of retainer and how long you wear it depends entirely upon your Orland Park, IL, orthodontist’s discretion. There are both permanent and removable retainers. With removable retainers, it’s recommended you wear them at all times in the beginning. Once your teeth set a bit more, you can start just wearing it at night. Dr. Wong will let you know when and how long you should be wearing it for.


After your braces are removed, care for your teeth just like you always have! Always brush twice a day for at least two minutes! You should also floss daily. Keep up with any followup orthodontic appointments and regular cleanings.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit her website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Treating Braces Pain

When the phrase “beauty is pain” was coined, it wasn’t used in reference to orthodontic care. But anyone who has braces would most likely agree! Braces are aligning teeth that are out-of-place. They are literally moving your bones, so some discomfort is expected. But what can you do when the pain gets out-of-hand? Dr. Cynthia Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics has some tips for alleviating your discomfort. Located in Orland Park, IL, she provides you with top-tier orthodontic care.


Braces pain is split into two causes, internal and external. External pain is the irritation of the gums and soft tissues in the mouth from the orthodontic gear itself. This happens when the brackets and wires cut or rub the mouth. Over time, your mouth toughens in these vulnerable areas. Talk to your Orland Park, IL, orthodontist about products for relieving discomfort. Different over-the-counter products provide relief to cut or scrapped soft tissues. Internal factors, however, are caused by changes in the blood flow. This is from the orthodontic gear placing pressure on the teeth.


Pain relief is found through over-the-counter pain medications. These remove the aches stemming from pressure. Motrin or Advil are the best for this. There are also topical pain relievers you can try. Talk to your orthodontist for suggestions. Dr. Wong also recommends dental products that target oral aches. Try following this advice too! After an adjustment to your braces, try eating softer foods. This includes pudding, jello, pasta, and softer vegetables. You should also use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritation.


It’s also important to protect both your mouth and braces. A facial injury forces your braces towards your vulnerable areas. A trauma or fall to the face will knock or break wires and brackets. If you play sports, always wear a mouthguard.


If you are having problems with orthodontic pain or have suffered an injury, reach out right away to Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics. We are located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit her website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Orthodontic Emergencies

No matter how careful you are, orthodontic emergencies do happen. When these occur, contact Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics right away. Conveniently located in Orland Park, IL, Dr. Cynthia Wong will see you as soon as possible. Many of these emergencies are handled over the phone. The more serious troubles require an office visit. Just remember that there is no need to panic. Here are both minor and major emergencies and what you should do.


Minor emergencies are the ones handled over the phone. You won’t need to see Dr. Wong to fix these problems. Call our office and we will walk you through the issue. Discomfort is the main issue we hear about. As your braces move your teeth, there is bound to be some achiness. Invest in over-the-counter pain medication to relieve the pressure. Others find relief through warm salt-water rinses. There are also over-the-counter dental products that focus on pain relief. Another common emergency is minor wires that move out-of-place. Use a clean utensil, like a q-tip or tweezers, to push the wire into a comfortable position. You can also cover it in dental wax.


A major orthodontic emergency constitutes serious harm or danger to your mouth and braces. A situation we frequently encounter is broken or loose brackets. Call our office right away when this happens. If the orthodontic gear isn’t applied correctly, it won’t work. Your mouth is also at risk of getting seriously injured by the exposed sharp materials. If a piece of your braces falls out, do your best to locate it. Bring it with you to your appointment. Other major emergencies focus on injuries or facial trauma. These can happen from a hit to the face, sports, or even a fall. After being cleared of other injuries, we can fix any broken orthodontic gear.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. We provide quality and family-friendly orthodontic services. Our goal is to keep you healthy and happy, with a smile that can’t be beaten! To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit her website or call 708-444-8341.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Maintaining good oral hygiene is of critical importance when a patient is undergoing orthodontic treatment. If you are pregnant, you may have noticed that you develop gingivitis and your gums bleed more easily. Although this is distressing, it is also expected. We at the Orland Park orthodontic office of Dr. Cynthia Wong pay especially close attention to pregnant women’s gum health to ensure that their orthodontic therapy will be completed on time and satisfactorily.

Pregnant women’s bodies produce large amounts of the hormone progesterone. This hormone triggers the growth of new blood vessels. Although it is necessary elsewhere in the body, it causes the gums to become especially sensitive and prone to swelling. Gingivitis occurs when oral bacteria produce acid as part of their metabolization process. When they have a lot of food available to them, they’ll produce and multiply more. The acid becomes stuck in the biofilm created by bacteria on the teeth, leading to tooth decay and gum recession.

If a patient with fixed braces suffers extensive tooth decay and instability, the orthodontic brackets may have to be removed prematurely. Patients must frequently use Christmas tree toothbrushes to push food debris out of their brackets and use threaders to loop floss around their wires. People with Invisalign must also brush and floss twice daily, and also brush the aligner. Pregnant women who are eating more should be aware that carbohydrates are easy for oral bacteria to digest, so they should be quick to brush away debris from crackers and similar foods. They can also combat oral bacteria by drinking more water and using nonalcoholic mouthwash.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Oral Hygiene during Halloween

Halloween is always a challenging time for oral hygiene, but that’s especially true for people with traditional braces. People not only have easy access to sugary candy, but also sugary and acidic drinks. We’ve been in the orthodontic business for a long time at Dr. Cynthia Wong’s Orland Park office, so we wanted to advise parents and patients on some of the pitfalls of Halloween treats and how to mitigate them.

There are two issues to beware of: exposure to sugar and impact on the structure of braces. Sticky candies can dislodge orthodontic elastics and wires; hard candies can break them. As alternatives, consider soft, chewy candies such as chocolates. These candies are still high in sugar and will need to be quickly brushed off the teeth, but the risk from sugar has more to do with the length of time it remains on teeth than the sugar content of the food. To ensure the teeth are not exposed to sugar for long periods, limit the consumption of candy and soda or cider to set mealtimes, when the mouth is producing more saliva and the sugar can easily be brushed away afterward. Drinking more water throughout the day will also keep the mouth clean of sugar and acid. Lastly, we want to remind patients that it is much easier to maintain oral hygiene with Invisalign, but brushing and flossing must still be done regularly and that people shouldn’t put their aligners back in while there is still sticky material trapped between their teeth.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Treating the Causes of Gap Teeth

A gap between your teeth may cause you to whistle while you speak, or it may just make you self-conscious. Either way, we at the Orland Park orthodontic office of Dr. Cynthia Wong can help you correct it. But because gaps between the teeth (also known as diastema) can have a variety of causes, we may use different treatments, particularly for patients who are still children.

Children are especially likely to develop gap teeth if they suck their thumbs. If this is a coping behavior for severe anxiety, they may need help from a child psychologist. However, once the psychological problem is resolved, the gap and accompanying overbite can be fixed with traditional braces. Tongue thrusting is also a behavior that puts pressure on the teeth and is sometimes a psychological coping mechanism, but it could be caused by an involuntary muscle issue that would require help from an ear-nose-and-throat doctor to solve. A gap may also be caused by overly large connective tissue between the upper palate and the inside of the upper lip. This would push the upper central incisors apart and would require an oral surgeon to reduce the size of the connective tissue.

Many diastema are caused by the teeth simply being too small for the mouth. When there are not severe accompanying misalignments, such a gap may be closed with Invisalign. Once a gap has been closed, a patient will have to wear their retainer regularly and keep good care of their oral health, but if a gap does reappear, further Invisalign treatment can usually close it.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Friday, October 18, 2019

Lip Protection in Cold Weather

As we enter another Chicagoland winter and the temperature drops, the air is retaining less moisture. Some people are already suffering from chapped lips. We at the Orland Park orthodontic office of Dr. Cynthia Wong know that this is especially irritating for people with fixed braces and wire retainers, who already have to be careful to control dry mouth. To help keep our patients comfortable and ensure their mouths won’t be damaged by their orthodontic treatment, we wanted to provide some guidance about lip protection.

The lips become chapped as moisture on them evaporates. Lip balm will seal moisture in, while licking the lips only adds more fluid to be evaporated. But not all lip balms are equal. Those that use spice as fragrance or flavoring, as well as those containing menthol, salicyclic acid, or eucalyptus could cause further chemical irritation. Instead, patients should stick to balm with sun-protective minerals such as titanium oxide and zinc oxide and that is made from a petroleum or mineral oil base. Balm will likely have to be applied throughout the day and before bed. Patients may also want to try placing small humidifiers where they sleep and other places where they have to spend a lot of time, such as at a workstation. They should also avoid long showers, which will cause further dryness.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Different Kinds of Braces

We at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics are excited to offer our patients three types of braces: clear braces, traditional braces, and Invisalign®. It is now common for patients of all ages to undergo dental work to straighten their smile. While in some ways a rite of passage for kids entering their teen years, adults who have never had braces are taking on the commitment.

Sometimes we all want to look our best, even during the process of straightening our smiles. Changing the layout of your teeth takes time. Dr. Wong offers clear braces, made from translucent ceramic to match the color of your teeth, for adults who wish for their braces to be less noticeable. Traditional braces are the standard for kids, and are made with exceptionally strong metals and are metallic colored. Kids can even choose different colored rubber bands for that extra pizzaz!

Invisalign® is a clear and comfortable alternative to braces, should you be a candidate for it. The teeth are moved gradually through a series of custom-made aligners. The aligners are virtually invisible, allow you to eat what you want, removable and promote less gum irritation. To see if Invisalign® is right for you, Dr. Wong offers a free, professional exam and consultation during which all your questions can be answered. 

Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located at 15614 S Harlem Ave. in Orland Park, IL 60462. To schedule an appointment or for more information, please visit drcynthiawong.com or call 708-444-8341.



Thursday, September 26, 2019

Uneven Jaw

If you have an uneven jaw, you may have some difficulty or pain associated with eating, sleeping, talking, or even breathing. In some cases, an uneven jaw can be treated with physical therapy, braces, retainers, but in severe cases, oral surgery may be necessary. We at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics want to make sure that our patients live a pain-free life. Dr. Wong specializes in orthodontic treatment and can assess the severity of an uneven jaw, and recommend a course of action.

Signs that you may have an uneven jaw:

  • Temple pain

  • Jaw joint pain

  • Jaw clicking

  • Tight jaw

  • Shoulder or back pain

  • Popping in the ear


Some causes of an uneven jaw include jaw trauma, birth defects or teeth misalignment. For temporary relief, ice or an over-the-counter pain reliever can be used. But if you are experiencing extreme pain in your jaw, it is recommended that you see your dentist as soon as possible. Though most cases of uneven jaw can be treated with dental appliances or exercises, surgery may be required.


 Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located at 15614 S Harlem Ave. in Orland Park, IL 60462. To schedule a checkup or for more information, please visit drcynthiawong.com or call 708-444-8341.



Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bruxism and Night Guards

Night guards are placed in the mouth as a sort of “cushion” during sleep to prevent someone from grinding and gnashing their teeth together, though some patients do this consciously during the day. Also called bruxism, grinding your teeth damages enamel, wears down teeth, causes jaw pain and can irritate your gums. If you think you are grinding your teeth, contact Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics to see what you can do to stop it. 

Severe bruxism can lead to tension-type headaches and disorders in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), where a clicking noise can be heard when you open and close your mouth. Bruxism has also been seen in quite a few children. According to WebMD, “approximately 15% to 33% of children grind their teeth.”

There are several factors that increase the chances of grinding your teeth:

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Age (though common in children, bruxism goes away by adulthood)

  • Aggressive or competitive personality type

  • Psychiatric medications

  • Smoking tobacco

  • Consuming caffeine and alcohol

  • Family history of bruxism

  • Other disorders such as Parkinson's, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), epilepsy, night terrors, sleep apnea and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located at 15614 S Harlem Ave. in Orland Park, IL 60462. For more information on night guards or bruxism, or to make an appointment, please visit drcynthiawong.com or call 708-444-8341.



Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hygiene During Orthodontic Treatment

Oral hygiene is already important when it comes to a healthy mouth, but it’s even more important when the mouth is going through orthodontic treatment. There are more nooks and crannies when brackets are placed on the teeth, where food can be trapped and turn into plaque. Since Dr. Cynthia Wong specializes in orthodontic care, she takes pride in educating her patients about the importance of an at-home oral hygiene regimen. 

Patients with braces are at an increased risk for early stages of tooth decay and gingivitis if proper oral hygiene isn’t used. Dr. Wong recommends brushing your teeth with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, as well as flossing, two to three times a day. You should be brushing in and around each bracket and wire, brushing in a circular motion where the gums and teeth meet, and brushing in a back and forth motion for the tops of molars.

Other things to consider during orthodontic treatment:

  • Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Sugary foods and drinks erode enamel and make the teeth more susceptible to tooth decay, especially if you aren’t brushing properly or regularly.

  • Certain foods can loosen, break or bend wires. To limit stress on your braces, avoid eating hard or sticky foods.

Remember, broken or bent braces means more appointments and a lengthier treatment time! Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located at 15614 S Harlem Ave. in Orland Park, IL 60462. For more information on braces or orthodontic care, or to make an appointment, please visit drcynthiawong.com or call 708-444-8341.


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Orthodontic Safety and Youth Sports

The fall sports season will soon be underway, which means now is the time for athletes to get fitted for mouthguards. As one of the south suburbs’ trusted orthodontic specialists, we at the Orland Park office of Dr. Cynthia Wong are especially concerned about children’s dental safety. It is vital for our patients to understand which mouthguard option will best preserve their orthodontic progress.

An Invisalign aligner is not a mouthguard, and patients will need to remove their aligner or retainer before putting a mouthguard in. Although mouthguards should be made of sturdy material, they should not cause obstructed breathing when fitted properly. The one-size-fits-all models available from athletic retailers are better than using no protection at all, but orthodontic patients may prefer boil-and-bite models. These oral appliances can be reshaped after each orthodontic check-up, allowing them to keep pace with the changes in a patient’s teeth’s position. They can also be shaped to accommodate traditional braces.

Student athletic associations generally require participants to have gotten their mouthguards refitted recently, and sports such as wrestling require participants with fixed braces to wear mouthguards on their upper and lower teeth. Like aligners and retainers, mouthguards and their cases need to be cleaned after each use. Cleaning instructions will vary by model, but unlike dentures and retainers, mouthguards and their containers should be kept dry to prevent the growth of pathogens.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Preventing and Treating Impacted Teeth

When it comes to impacted teeth, the earlier the intervention, the better. Dr. Cynthia Wong is a long-trusted Orland Park orthodontist who regularly assesses children for risk of dental impaction. What this means is that we’re able to determine whether anything will prevent their teeth from erupting in the right place, and if so, what can be done.

People may be familiar with the concept of dental impaction from unerupted wisdom teeth. These are often treated late in adolescence by extracting them. But the wisdom teeth are not the only ones which may be stuck, and extraction is not always necessary. The upper canine teeth often push through the side of the maxillary ridge or are unable to erupt at all. If the patient is a teenager, we may be able to use orthodontic brackets and specially-shaped wires called ballista springs to guide the canines downward.

The bones in children’s skulls have not yet fused together, which allows them to undergo orthodontic procedures unavailable to adults. A procedure like guided canine eruption is unlikely to be successful in a person who has finished adolescence, but a child may not need it if they undergo palate expansion. With a specialized orthodontic appliance, the upper jaw can be widened, making more room for the adult canines and other teeth. It may also be possible to make room for unerupted teeth using ordinary braces if the potential for overcrowding is recognized early enough.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bad Breath and Oral Appliances

Has bad breath become a frequent problem for you since you started wearing a retainer? Do your orthodontic aligners taste foul? We at Dr. Cynthia Wong’s Orland Park orthodontic office have seen a lot of patients with these problems. Halitosis isn’t just inconvenient; it also indicates that an oral appliance has become unsanitary. Therefore, we wanted to remind our patients of hygiene protocol.

Retainers and aligners need to be cleaned every day, and they should be cleaned with non-abrasive materials. Ordinary toothpaste contains fluoride, a mineral that strengthens natural enamel but can scratch soft plastic. Instead of using normal toothpaste, patients are better off soaking their retainers in white vinegar or baking soda to combat odor and using toothpaste specially made for dentures to combat plaque growth. They may also want to keep a separate toothbrush just for their retainer.

The retainer’s carrying case should also be cleaned frequently. Antibacterial soap is good for this, but the case will have to be thoroughly rinsed out before the retainer is placed inside. People who wear oral appliances also need to take care that their mouths don’t dry out, which they can do by drinking more water and using over-the-counter throat moisturizers.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Combating White Spot Lesions

Good oral hygiene is always important, but when a patient has fixed braces, it is critical. We’ve helped a lot of people at Dr. Cynthia Wong’s orthodontic office to develop healthier smiles, but there are particular problems that many people struggle with during their treatment. Those are white spot lesions, the first sign of tooth decay, and they tend to occur around orthodontic brackets.

Enamel that has lost minerals looks unnatural. It has a chalky white appearance and commonly results from tooth decay. Although any natural teeth can develop white spots, teeth with orthodontic brackets glued to them are at much greater risk. White spots commonly develop within a month of the braces being placed. If the decay is allowed to continue, they may permanently scar the teeth and the brackets may have to be removed prematurely.

To prevent enamel erosion, patients are commonly treated with fluoride varnishes before orthodontic therapy begins. They have to be vigorous in their oral hygiene afterward, and we’ll be on the lookout for signs of decay during the first month of treatment when patients are getting used to using Christmas tree toothbrushes and floss threaders. Fluorinated toothpaste and mouthwash can provide additional protection. Once orthodontic therapy is complete, it may be possible to cover up scars associated with past infections.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dental Sensitivity and Hygiene

People with straight teeth have a much easier time keeping them clean. But until the braces come off, they have to be especially careful to keep their mouths free of food debris. One of the most reliable signs of tooth decay is sensitivity. If you’ve noticed a shooting pain in your teeth when you eat or drink something cold, we at Dr. Cynthia Wong’s Orland Park orthodontic practice want you to understand why that’s a problem.

It is normal for people to feel pressure after their braces have been tightened. This sensation is noticeably different from the sharp pain that comes from biting into an ice cream sandwich. The inner pulp of our teeth contains a sensitive nerve and the outer layer of the crown, the enamel, is made up of hard minerals. In between them is dentin, a yellow-grey porous substance that heat is easily transmitted through. Although enamel is thick, cementum, the outer layer of a tooth root, is much thinner, leaving the dentin less insulated. When tissue has receded, the tooth roots will become very sensitive to temperature changes.

When enamel has been thinned by acid erosion, the dentin beneath may become visible. Acid erosion and gum recession are usually caused by oral infections. Acid reflux may also be a factor, although usually not in children. Patients who notice sensitivity should make greater effort to clean using a standard tooth brush, Christmas tree brush, and floss threader or super floss. They may also want to try fluoridated toothpaste to help their enamel remineralize and make sure they brush for two whole minutes during each session.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Friday, August 2, 2019

Orthodontics and Cleft Palate

There are many reasons why a child might have overcrowded teeth, but one in particular requires close coordination between an orthodontist and an oral surgeon. Cleft palates have many implications for a child’s oral health. We can provide crucial treatment at Dr. Cynthia Wong’s Orland Park office, and we want parents to understand how orthodontics will make a positive impact on their child.

Overcrowded, crooked teeth are difficult to clean. Children who have cleft palates suffer from especially high rates of tooth decay and are often unable to brush and floss thoroughly on their own until they are about nine or ten. Tooth decay is especially devastating during a child’s early years, since pain can disrupt their sleep, eating, and speech development. The misaligned teeth themselves can also make speaking difficult.

Oral surgeons may treat children by grafting bone tissue into the gap in their upper palates. But first, they often require the assistance of an orthodontist to use braces to move the child’s teeth out of the way. Children with cleft palates are usually referred to orthodontists early in life and aveolar bone grafts typically take place between the ages of eight and twelve. If a child is missing a permanent tooth, we may use braces to move their teeth to create room for an artificial crown.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dry Mouth and Braces

Nobody wants dry mouth, but it’s especially troublesome for people undergoing orthodontic therapy. We work hard at Dr. Cynthia Wong’s Orland Park orthodontic office to make patients as comfortable as possible, and keeping the mouth lubricated is a major part of that. It’s also essential to oral hygiene, so let’s take a closer look at the effects of dry mouth.

Saliva neutralizes the acid produced by oral bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum recession. It contains enzymes that allow us to digest food and rinses the mouth of food debris, depriving oral bacteria of their food source. It also allows the lips to slide over fixed braces easily, reducing their risk of tearing. Dry mouth is officially known as xerostomia. It is common among smokers, people with autoimmune disorders, and as a side effect of medications and cancer treatment.

Simple ways of managing xerostomia include throat sprays and sucking on sugar-free candy. Some of these contain over-the-counter medication; prescription-strength xerostomia medications are also available. Orthodontic patients with dry mouth need to be especially vigilant in maintaining their oral hygiene. Patients undergoing Invisalign treatment may want to get a fluoride treatment. Our patients should also remember to stay hydrated and avoid sugary, acidic drinks such as soda and citrus juice.

Cynthia Wong, DMD, operates at 15614 S Harlem #B, Orland Park, Illinois, 60462. To contact her office, call 708-444-8341 or visit Dr. Cynthia Wong and send a message.


Friday, June 28, 2019

What is Teeth Sectioning?

Even with today's technology and medical research, teeth extraction are still an unnerving procedure. That’s why Dr. Cynthia Wong of Orland Park, IL, offers a form of extraction known as Teeth Sectioning. This requires less force and recovery time. The tooth is broken into multiple sections for removal. This makes it quicker and easier. Contact our office to learn more.


Teeth sectioning is recommended for a few different reasons. Difficult teeth can’t be extracted normally. They might be multi-rooted or unique in some way. Impacted wisdom teeth often require sectioning, due to their larger nature. Lastly, it’s most often used for pediatric extraction. It uses less force while being less intimidating.


Dr. Wong begins by applying a local anesthetic to the tooth. She then cuts the pulp and nerve tissue. A dental drill then sections the tooth. Water is continually flushed throughout the area to clean out bone chips and fragments. The sectioned pieces are removed. Finally, stitches close up the wound.


Minimal amounts of pain are felt during the procedure due to the local anesthetic. Your Orland Park dentist will provide you with post-operative instructions. These should be followed to avoid infection or loosening stitches. Make sure to avoid harder foods while you recover. Manage your pain levels with a prescription or over-the-counter pain medication.


If you or a loved one are in need of a tooth extraction and are interested in our teeth sectioning procedure, contact Dr. Cynthia Wong. We are located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is an endodontic dental specialty focused on the nerves of the teeth. It’s a necessary procedure for treating a tooth infection, primarily in the roots. Dr. Cynthia Wong, located in Orland Park, removes the infected materials through root canal therapy. An infected tooth needs to be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the infection can spread. Contact our office to schedule an appointment today.


The procedure begins with a local anesthetic being applied to the tooth. Your Orland Park dentist drills into the tooth, exposing the root canal. From there, it’s easy to locate and remove the infected tissue. The entire area is sanitized as well. Finally, a sealant fills the tooth before placing the dental crown.


Soreness following the procedure is completely normal. Take it easy for the next few days. Use over-the-counter pain medication for pain management. A stronger pain reliever may be prescribed by your dentist depending on the severity of the infection. Dr. Wong will give you post-operative instructions to follow. This will include things like what to eat, etc. Following these will guarantee a successful recovery.


In the past, root canal procedures were to be feared. That’s not the case with modern-day technology and medicine. Local anesthetics make the procedure nearly painless. Placement of the dental crowns also guarantees a successful recovery.


If you or a loved one are in need of a root canal, contact Dr. Cynthia Wong today. Our office is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Periodontal Splinting

Having a loose tooth as an adult is way less of a celebratory event than when you were a kid. Instead of a visit from the tooth fairy, you’re bound to be visiting the dentist. Injury, periodontal disease, and misalignment cause looseness. Dr. Cynthia Wong provides a solution: Periodontal Splinting. Contact our office in Orland Park, IL, to learn more.


Like people, teeth are stronger together. Periodontal Splinting attaches your loose, weak teeth. This creates a fortified unit. Permanent and temporary splinting is available. Temporary comes in two kinds: intra-coronal and extra-coronal. How they attach to your teeth distinguishes them. Extra-coronal is easier, attaching straight to the enamel. Intra-coronal requires a channel to be carved into the teeth. The splint is then placed within. Permanent splinting, due to its longevity, is more advanced. Each loose tooth is given a dental crown. Each crown receives a splint between them, essentially fusing them together.


A loose tooth is serious. Don’t wait to schedule an appointment with your Orland Park dentist. It can damage the surrounding teeth. Eventually, it will fall out or be extracted. Injury or facial trauma is the main cause of looseness. Personal injury or falling can be the cause. There is also advanced periodontal disease, which left untreated results in tooth loss. Teeth grinding or bruxism puts unnecessary pressure on your teeth. The resulting misalignment may be another factor.


Schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong in Orland Park, IL, today. Contact our office by visiting our website or calling 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Proper Flossing Technique

Dr. Cynthia Wong of Orland Park, IL, recommends that patients add flossing to their daily routines. Flossing is the only way to completely clean debris from your teeth. It cleans areas that your toothbrush cannot reach. Not only are many patients not flossing, but most aren’t flossing properly. That’s why we have provided this simple flossing guide.


Besides brushing twice a day for two minutes, start flossing daily too. Begin by removing 18 inches of floss from the packet. You’ll want to wrap one end around each of your middle fingers. This lets you rotate out the dirty floss and rotate in the clean floss. Next, slowly place the floss in between two of your teeth. Be careful not to irritate your gums by snapping the floss. Loop the floss around of the teeth in a “C” shape. Move the floss up an down, rubbing the area clean. Rinse and repeat for all of your teeth.


Your Orland Park dentist has some suggestions to help you floss. Most grocery stores and supermarkets sell floss in different thicknesses and materials. If floss isn’t fitting between tight-gapped teeth, invest in a different type. There are also small flossing appliances available. These handheld devices are easy to use and maneuver.


The only way to have a completely clean mouth is through flossing. Without it, food debris attracts cavity-forming bacteria. Preventing teeth decay is as easy as flossing once a day.


To learn more about flossing and dental hygiene, contact Dr. Cynthia Wong. Our office is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

When Should I Replace My Retainer?

After you get your braces removed, Dr. Cynthia Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics will give you a removable retainer. But like anything that is used daily, like shoes or your toothbrush, your retainer will eventually need to be replaced. If your retainer isn’t in the best of shape, schedule an appointment.


When you need to replace your retainer is entirely dependent upon you. Patients may need an annual replacement, every 2-3 years, or even longer. If it is damaged, it won’t really fit your mouth or teeth. That means that wearing it is doing more harm than good.


There are a few signs that your retainer needs a tuneup. If it starts to fall apart at the joints, changes color, fits oddly, or experiences a calcium buildup, schedule an appointment. It’s best to address the problem before it worsens.


To protect your retainer from harm, make sure to keep it in its case. This helps it from being misplaced or damaged. Retainers are necessary for preventing your teeth from shifting. Your teeth need time to set into their new positions. Without your retainer, your teeth will quickly revert to their old positions. Make sure to wear your retainer every day for the first six months after getting your braces off. Then transition to wearing it at night a few times a week.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Grinding Causes Teeth Sensitivity

There are a lot of reasons why your teeth might be sensitive. The most common symptom is pain or discomfort when eating or drinking things that are cold, hot, acidic, or sweet. The sensitivity is caused by a thinning of your tooth enamel. A common cause is teeth grinding. Dr. Cynthia Wong can help you by providing a night guard or other services. Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL.


The dentin is the layer of your tooth that surrounds the nerve. When your enamel thins, your dentin is exposed. The dentin material is what is reacting negatively to the temperature changes in your food and drinks. When you grind your teeth, the repeated pressure wears down the enamel. Many patients grind their teeth at night and don’t even know it. A night guard will be given to help prevent this. A night guard is almost identical to a mouth guard. It is a clear removable device that you place on your upper teeth at night. This provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth. It stops the enamel from wearing away, keeping your dentin protected.


If you have sensitive teeth or suspect that you may be grinding, schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong. Teeth sensitivity should not be taken lightly. Having sensitive teeth can keep you from enjoying the little things in life.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Elastics For Braces

You thought your braces were overwhelming before, now you have to use rubber bands too? Why do you need them and what do they even do? Dr. Cynthia Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics, located in Orland Park, can help. Rubberbands (elastics) are used to realign the jaws and teeth. It’s often one of the last steps in your treatment plan.


There are several parts that create and make up your braces. There are the brackets, the little square pieces of metal bonded to the front of your teeth. Then there’s the archwire. It connects the brackets and applies pressure. Ligatures are the colorful bands around each bracket that keep the wire in place.


Rubber bands, or interarch rubber bands, connect to the brackets with hooks. They attach the top tooth bracket to the lower tooth bracket. Depending on the patient, the rubber bands will either hook diagonally or in a zigzag pattern. Elastics pull the jaw forward or backward. This adjusts the teeth and jaw properly. The results are teeth that line up right. Rubber bands need to be worn 24/7. They will not work correctly if left off, even for small amounts of time.


Make sure to remove your rubber bands during meals. You should also remove them when cleaning your teeth and braces. Typically, rubber bands are replaced periodically throughout the day. This keeps the rubber bands from being stretched too thin or breaking.


If you have any questions or concerns, contact Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics. We are located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

How Do Braces Fix My Teeth?

You understand why you’re getting braces, but do you understand how they work? Learning how your teeth are shifting make the obstacles that come with braces somewhat more bearable. Dr. Cynthia Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics can provide you with answers. Knowing what's happening assures you that you’re getting the best treatment available. Dr. Cynthia Wong is located in Orland Park, IL.


Braces apply pressure to your teeth, shifting the bones into their new positions. The brackets and wires keep this pressure constant. Brackets are attached to each individual tooth. They are bonded onto the front surface. They connect through bands, with the wire running between each of them. As your treatment progresses, the wire is eventually replaced with a heavier one. Altogether the provided pressure gradually moves the teeth at a fast pace.


Patients of all ages can receive braces. Children between the ages of eight to fourteen are the most common recipients. This is because its easier to move the teeth when a child is growing. It takes longer with adults, but the results are worth it.


How long you wear braces is entirely dependent on your body. The quicker your teeth move, the faster your treatment is. Most patients have their braces on between one to three years. Afterward, you will most likely receive permanent retainers, a removable retainer, or both.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dangers of Soda on your Teeth

At Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics office in Orland Park, we encourage our patients to drink more water and less soda. Soda is unhealthy for your teeth because the bacteria in your mouth feed off of sugar to create acids.  When acid is created it feeds off your tooth enamel which is there to protect your teeth and leads to tooth decay.

To limit the amount of damage soda does to your teeth, we advise our patients to drink soda with a straw. Using a straw will limit the amount of sugar that rests on your teeth and causes harm. Every time you drink soda, the acid eats away at your tooth enamel for about 20 minutes. If possible, you should brush your teeth after drinking soda or rinse your mouth with water.  

Regardless of how much soda you drink, we want all of our patients to brush twice a day to fight tooth decay. If you quit soda and use a healthier alternative such as water or tea your teeth will be healthier and you will have your best smile!

To learn more about all of the services we provide, please visit our website at https://www.drcynthiawong.com/ for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Tongue Scrapers

Tongue scrapers are small dental appliances that can be used to scrape or clean your tongue. They are sold in most grocery stores in various shapes and sizes. They are a way to get rid of bad breath (halitosis). It can also help clear off a coated tongue. Dr. Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics recommends tongue scrapers for daily use in your oral hygiene routine.


When using a tongue scraper, place it at the back of the tongue and gently run it forward along your tongue. After each movement, rinse the scraper off with water and wash out your mouth. Do this for as many times as necessary. Coated tongues can be caused by smoking, dry mouth, yeast infections, medications, or poor oral hygiene. It is an accumulation of bacteria and dead cells on your tongue. A tongue scraper can get rid of these harmful pathogens. At the minimum, scraping your tongue at every meal can lead to positive results.


There are many benefits to using tongue scrapers besides an improvement in your breath. Some studies have shown daily tongue scraper use has lead to a heightened sense of taste. Because it scrapes off debris and bacteria, it can lead to an overall healthier mouth. Without bacteria, it is harder for cavities and other problems to arise.


Remember to be cautious when using the tongue scraper. Do not go too far back on your tongue. Be careful how much pressure you are applying and to where. You can accidentally cut the surface of your tongue if you aren't being careful.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wong, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Mouthwash is a mouth rinse that is used to prevent cavities and acid from damaging your teeth along with fighting bad breath. Our staff at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics encourages our patients to add mouthwash to your daily oral health care routine. Fluoride is a mineral in mouthwashes that makes your teeth stronger and is resistant to decay caused by acid and bacteria. It can be difficult to get rid of all the bacteria and debris on your teeth with braces, which is why we recommend mouthwash to help keep your teeth cleaner.

A traditional over-the-counter mouthwash is usually for making your breath smell better. At Fresh Meadows Dental, we advise our patients to use fluoride mouthwash that will protect your teeth from cavities and acts as an enamel-protecting your teeth.

For you to benefit the most from mouthwash, we advise our patients to you use mouthwash at the same time every day to be the most effective. Remember to avoid eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes after using.

Be sure to practice good oral hygiene, we want you to have your best smile!

To learn more about all of the services we provide, please visit our website at https://www.drcynthiawong.com/ for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019


The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull at the temporal bone. This joint controls everyday functions like talking and eating. It’s what allows your mouth to open and close, for chewing and swallowing. If you experience pain when doing any of these activities, you may have a temporomandibular disorder or TMD. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, D.M.D. of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics, located in Orland Park, IL.


Common symptoms of TMD are:

-Pain when opening or closing the mouth

-Trouble chewing

-Jaw becoming stuck open or shut

-Headaches or ear pain

-Clicking or popping sounds when opening your mouth

-Teeth grinding


Although all the symptoms of TMD are problematic, teeth grinding is probably one of the most detrimental symptoms. Teeth grinding or bruxism wears down and destroys the teeth. The enamel will eventually wear away and expose the dentin. This material is more sensitive and is very susceptible to decay.


Pain relievers and cold/hot compresses can help manage short term symptoms. A night guard is the best way to curb teeth grinding. It prevents the top and bottom teeth from touching, keeping you from wearing away your enamel.


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, visit Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, D.M.D., visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Thursday, March 7, 2019


Invisalign are a clear, invisible alternative to traditional metal braces. Dr. Cynthia Wong of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics provides patients with a free exam and consultation for Invisalign.


At your free consultation, Dr. Wong can answer any questions and concerns that you might have. She will then pinpoint the issues with your orthodontic alignment and potential for Invisalign eligibility. You’ll have the chance to see and feel for yourself what Invisalign is like. A rundown of what kind of results you should expect, and the cost and payment of Invisalign, are also included.


Patients that experience the best results from Invisalign only have mild to moderate spacing and crowding issues that need to be fixed. Unaligned teeth, or malocclusion, are also treatable through Invisalign. Malocclusion, when left untreated, can lead to periodontal disease and create stress on the teeth and jaws. This results in tooth decay, tooth loss, and an unsightly smile.


The Invisalign procedure itself will occur over various appointments. Invisalign works by shifting your teeth through multiple retainers. As your teeth shift, you will need to come in and receive a new retainer. These retainers are custom designed to fit you and your mouth. Invisalign are worn 24/7 and are only removed to eat, brush, and floss.


The benefits of Invisalign are comfortable and invisible orthodontics, allowing you to have the smile you deserve. Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, D.M.D. visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Flossing With Braces

Dental health and hygiene are always important, especially when you have braces. Traditional metal braces catch food and debris, making brushing and flossing crucial. Dr. Cynthia Wong, D.M.D. of Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL. has a few tips and tricks for flossing with braces.


With braces, your daily hygiene routine should take three times longer. Food has a lot more pathways to hide and lodge between your teeth. You need to be flossing at least once a day with braces to make the most of your oral health. One of the largest deterrents for flossing with braces is the difficulty. This doesn’t mean you should just give up. Besides the traditional approach to flossing, there a few other methods that make flossing with braces a lot easier.


Waterpik’s are unique handheld tools that spray a steady stream of water at the teeth. The pressure from the water cleans out food from the teeth and gumline. Special tips are offered to help clean orthodontic devices. This lets you clean brackets and between teeth easier.


Floss threaders are small, inexpensive tools that help pull floss behind brace wire. This lets you get around the metal work, allowing you to floss.


Dental tape is just like floss but more sensitive. This is a better option for flossing with braces if you didn't floss regularly beforehand.


Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics is located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong, D.M.D., visit our website or call 708-444-8341.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Orthodontic Myths

At Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL., Dr. Cynthia Wong provides her patients with a variety of orthodontic and dental services. Yet there are always common misbeliefs and questions that Dr. Wong and our staff hear frequently about orthodontics. Here are a few of these myths and the truth behind them.


First, that orthodontists and orthodontic work are overpriced and expensive. Orthodontists offer unique services that are catered to each and every patient. The cost of treatment depends on the complexity of the case. Treatment and payment plans are available for all patients. Dr. Wong and our staff will work with you to find a form of treatment that financially works for you.


Second, that orthodontic treatment is purely cosmetic. In reality, braces provide both functional and cosmetic purposes. Straightening the teeth doesn’t just look good, aligning your jaw and teeth improves biting, chewing, and speaking. Misaligned teeth or jaws can result in problems like teeth grinding, where your teeth rub against each other and wear away enamel.


Third, metal braces are the only kind available. In today’s world, traditional metal braces are offered alongside new forms like invisible braces or Invisalign. This lets you as the patient pick a form of braces that works best for you and your lifestyle. If metal braces do not work for you, Dr. Wong will work with you to find a treatment that does.


Lastly, orthodontic treatment is just for children. There is no age limit to good dental and orthodontic health. Teeth have the same ability to shift and move regardless of how old you are. In 2014 alone, close to 1.5 million adults were treated by orthodontists. If you are unhappy with your teeth or smile, you are not alone.


These are just a few examples of the myths that surround orthodontic work. If you are interested in learning the truth about our orthodontic services, contact us today. Dr. Cynthia Wong, D.M.D. is available for appointments at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics, located in Orland Park, IL. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-444-8341.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cleaning your Braces

At Dr. Cynthia Wong, DDS, we advise our patients to maintain good oral hygiene with braces even though it can be difficult to clean your teeth. Braces are an additional place for plaque, food debris, and acid to collect and damage your teeth and gums. Cleaning your teeth with braces takes considerably more time but is important to keeping your teeth healthy while you have them.

When it comes to brushing your teeth with braces, make sure you brush at a 45 degree angle at the gum line and on the surface of your teeth. We suggest our patients brush the top and bottom of the bracket along with the front to remove plaque.

Flossing is important with braces because there are so many places for plaque to build. We encourage our patients to floss daily with braces to prevent cavities and tooth decay. If you find it challenging to floss with braces, soft picks are a good alternative to traditional flossing.

Don’t forget, any food you eat has a chance to get stuck and around in your braces. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene care so that you have a beautiful smile!

To learn more about all of the services we provide, please visit https://www.drcynthiawong.com/our-practice for more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Diet with Braces

When our patients get braces, we advise them to avoid eating foods that can cause damage to your braces. Foods that are hard, sticky, and chewy can cause damage to the wires, bracket, and rubber bands. Hard foods such as nuts and chips should be avoided to prevent damage while sticky foods such as caramel and gum can get stuck to your braces and cause damage.

At Dr. Cynthia Wong, DDS, we encourage our patients to follow a diet that contains softer foods that are less likely to damage your braces. Foods that are safe to eat include dairy, meat, fruit (soft), vegetables (soft), bread, and seafood. Any vegetables or fruits that are harder should be cut up into smaller pieces.

After patients get their put braces put on and later tightened, your teeth will feel sore for a couple of days. During this time we recommend our patients stick to the softest foods possible that require as little force to chew as possible to prevent soreness.

Don’t forget to practice good oral hygiene with braces to keep them as clean and healthy as possible!

To learn more about all of the services we provide, please visit https://www.drcynthiawong.com/our-practice for more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Causes of Crooked Teeth

Although everybody wants to be born with straight teeth, this is not the case for most people. The majorities of people have some crooked teeth and require braces or invisalign to straighten their teeth. At Dr. Cynthia Wong, DDS, we want our patients to understand why your teeth may be crooked and the solutions.

A possible reason for your teeth being crooked is crowding which happens when there isn’t enough room in your mouth to fit all of your teeth. With no room for your teeth to fit naturally, your teeth can rotate or become displaced.

Other causes of crooked teeth can include thumb sucking and losing your baby teeth prematurely. Children that suck their thumb when their permanent teeth are developing can push the teeth forward and cause crooked teeth. If your children's baby teeth begin to fall out prematurely, the development of their permanent teeth can be altered as well.

Regardless of your age, braces and invisalign are the best solutions to fixing your crooked teeth. We encourage our patients with children to come in for a consultation to see if their children need braces. Research has shown that fixing orthodontic problems are easier when their mouth is still growing and is flexible.

To learn more about all of the services we provide, visit https://www.drcynthiawong.com/our-practice for more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

National Children's Dental Health Month

Every February is National Children’s Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of oral health for children. At Dr. Cynthia Wong, DDS we encourage our patients to bring their children in for a free consultation to see if their children need braces.

Children need braces when their teeth are crooked or if there is crowding. When their teeth don’t have room to grow in naturally, they will begin to shift and become crooked. At our practice we offer a variety of options for braces for your children.

There are a few options for your children to choose from outside of traditional braces. We offer clear braces which are translucent and make it hard to notice you have braces at all. An alternative option to traditional braces is removable aligners called invisalign. Invisalign braces use clear aligners to straighten your teeth. The benefits to invsalign are they are comfortable, removable and are less irritable on gums.

During this month we want your children to be aware of the importance of oral health care including braces to make sure they have the best smile!

To learn more about all of the services we provide, please visit https://www.drcynthiawong.com/our-practice for more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Water Flossing with Orthodontics

Flossing is crucial when it comes to maintaining great oral health. Cleaning between the teeth is an important step to remove food particles that have been left behind after brushing. Flossing can significantly reduce periodontal disease and cavity-causing causing bacteria that leads to tooth decay, but sometimes the act of flossing is difficult for a patient with orthodontics. Dr. Cynthia Wong may suggest using a water flosser for those hard to reach places!

A safe, easy, and effective way to remove plaque around dental braces is to use a water flosser. A water flosser is a handheld device that sprays streams of water in steady pulses. Not only is this beneficial to patients with traditional braces, water flossers are also an option for people who have trouble controlling traditional floss by hand. It’s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to reap the maximum benefits of a healthy mouth!

To learn more about orthodontics and the treatments we provide, visit www.drcynthiawong.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

New Years 2019

What an amazing 2018 it has been for all of us at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics! We’ve had so many new patients join our family as well as continuing to work with our patients who have been coming here for years. There is no better way to kick off the New Year than to come to see us and make 2019 the year of healthier teeth.

We offer a variety of services to handle any issues you may have with your teeth including braces mouth guards. If patients notice they are waking up with sore jaws or snoring really there is a good chance you’re grinding your teeth and need a mouth guard. If left untreated, grinding your teeth can cause teeth loss, muscular pain, and headaches. Custom mouth guards are made to fit your mouth and keep your teeth from grinding.

If your teeth aren’t straight and would like to fix that we offer a variety of options including Invisalign, traditional braces, and clear braces. With so many choices we can find the right braces for you so 2019 can start with a straight smile!

To learn more about braces and all the services we provide, visit https://www.drcynthiawong.com/our-practice for more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Pacifiers and Tooth Development

Dr. Cynthia Wong and her staff are often asked by parents about weaning their small child off a pacifier.  Infants are soothed to a sense of security by pacifiers, and when the time comes it is one of the hardest habits to break.  It can require a great deal of persuasion, but because of the effect they can have on the growth and development of the teeth and mouth, children should stop using pacifiers by the age of two. 

Prolonged pacifier use can cause changes in the shape of the roof of the mouth, prevent proper growth of the mouth, and create problems with tooth alignment.  Narrowing of the roof of the mouth and misalignment of the jaws can also occur.  Using a pacifier too long can also lead to a variety of complications including tilting in of the bottom teeth, and slanting in of the top and front teeth. Until the age of two, any alignment problem with the teeth or developing bone is usually corrected within six months after pacifier use has stopped.  We can help and support parents having any trouble weaning their child off a pacifier before that age.

If you have questions about pacifiers and tooth development, visit www.drcynthiawong.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Mouth Sores

Cuts and sores are common with new braces, as your mouth adapts to metal brackets being in your mouth and touching the sides of your cheeks and bottom lip. It is important to brush and floss carefully so your gums don’t become inflamed and grow over your braces causing sores. The sores will cause sensitivity at first, but your mouth will eventually adapt to the braces and sores will become less likely to occur over time. There are ways to deal with the sores and limit the sensitivity and time they last.

When you first notice sores in your mouth it is important to use wax which is tasteless and can be obtained by most drug stores and dentists/orthodontists. Applying the wax will prevent the metal from irritating your mouth and should be reapplied throughout the day. Salt water is a good way to treat sores after they first appear because salt water disinfects the sore and numbs the sensitivity. It is best to use warm water and swish the water around for about a minute.  You can do this throughout the day whenever you feel irritation. At Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics we suggest avoiding spicy foods while any mouth sores heal.

To learn more about braces and all the services we provide, visit https://www.drcynthiawong.com/our-practice for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.