Although everybody wants to be born with straight teeth, this is not the case for most people. The majorities of people have some crooked teeth and require braces or invisalign to straighten their teeth. At Dr. Cynthia Wong, DDS, we want our patients to understand why your teeth may be crooked and the solutions.
A possible reason for your teeth being crooked is crowding which happens when there isn’t enough room in your mouth to fit all of your teeth. With no room for your teeth to fit naturally, your teeth can rotate or become displaced.
Other causes of crooked teeth can include thumb sucking and losing your baby teeth prematurely. Children that suck their thumb when their permanent teeth are developing can push the teeth forward and cause crooked teeth. If your children's baby teeth begin to fall out prematurely, the development of their permanent teeth can be altered as well.
Regardless of your age, braces and invisalign are the best solutions to fixing your crooked teeth. We encourage our patients with children to come in for a consultation to see if their children need braces. Research has shown that fixing orthodontic problems are easier when their mouth is still growing and is flexible.
To learn more about all of the services we provide, visit for more information and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341.