Dr. Cynthia Wong

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Foods to Avoid for TMJ Pain

When dealing with TMJ, it is important to know about certain habits that can trigger pain or prolong already existing pain. Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics of Orland Park, IL wants to remind our patients suffering with TMJ of what foods to avoid. We will even let you know ways around them!

To begin, crunchy and hard foods can be very aggravating to the TMJs. Popcorn and chips should be avoided. Hard foods like raw carrots and other vegetables can also irritate the TMJs because of how much force the jaw needs to exert to bite them. However, veggies should not be avoided altogether. Since they are an important part of your diet, try cooking them so they become softer and easier to chew.

Chewy foods are another type of food that should be avoided when you have TMJ difficulty. The constant chewing motion and pressure needed to chew through these foods can cause irritation. Avoid chewing gum, sticky candies, and tougher meats and seafood. Make sure you are eating a tenderer cut of meat and if you still want to eat seafood, choose a more tender option like fish.

In addition to the types of foods you should be avoiding, also, be sure to avoid putting large pieces of food in your mouth. Overextending your mouth can cause TMJ irritation. To get around this, just cut your food into smaller pieces.

TMJ may change the way you eat, but most foods are still able to be enjoyed if they are prepared in a different form. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call our office at (708) 444-8341 or visit our website, www.drcynthiawong.com

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders involve the chewing muscles and joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull. Although TMJ is an abbreviation for the muscle, you may have a TMJ disorder (TMD) if you observe jaw discomfort and tenderness or pain when opening or closing the mouth. In addition, you may also find it uncomfortable to chew. To alleviate the pain of TMD, Dr. Cynthia Wong recommends incorporating more soft foods into your diet.

Soft food gives your jaw and temporomandibular joints the opportunity to rest and heal. Some excellent (and healthy) foods to eat include cooked vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, smoothies, soup, and yogurt. If you must eat food that requires a heavy amount of chewing, we recommended chopping it up into small pieces. If you have a sweet tooth, soft cakes, cobblers and cheesecake are good things to choose from. They may not be healthy options, but they’re delicious and easy to eat!

If you experience facial pain or feel your jaw clicking when you chew certain foods, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.drcynthiawong.com for more information. To schedule an appointment at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Using a Tongue Scraper

Have you ever stuck your tongue out while standing in front of a mirror and noticed a white layer of film sitting atop it? If so, that coating means that you have a buildup of food particles, debris, bacteria, and dead cells on your tongue. You may also have a bout of bad breath. To solve this problem, Dr. Cynthia Wong recommends implementing a tongue scraper into your oral hygiene routine. Tongue scrapers are available in most drugstores in various shapes and sizes.

When we sleep, our digestive system remains awake, removing toxins from our body by depositing them onto the surface of our tongue. If we don’t scrape away these toxins, they get reabsorbed by the body and can lead to respiratory difficulties, digestive problems, and a compromised immune system. Once you purchase a tongue scraper, to use it you simply place the oral device at the back of your tongue and gently bring it forward along your tongue, repeating as often as needed. As a result, your breath will breath will be fresher and your mouth will feel cleaner.  

If you have questions about oral hygiene and oral health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.drcynthiawong.com for more information. To schedule an appointment at Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL, call 708-444-8341. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

When Does My Retainer Need to be Replaced?

Retainers are meant to keep your teeth in place after your braces come off. As long as the retainer is in good shape, it can prevent movement of your teeth. Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics in Orland Park, IL wants to remind our patients that retainers do need to be replaced at some point. Read on to learn the typical reasons why retainers need to be replaced.

Knowing when your retainer has seen its day will help you be prepared for when it happens. This way, you will recognize it may not be doing its job correctly and you can replace it before your teeth start to shift too much. Common reasons that retainers need to be replaced are damage and wear. If the retainer has been cracked, chewed up by either you or a curious dog, or deformed from hot water, it cannot do its job properly. In addition, your retainer will be become naturally worn down. Joints that come apart, calcification, and even looseness can be signs that your retainer is getting old. Retainers last different amounts of time for each person, so it is important to know the signs to look for.

When you notice your retainer is no longer fitting right, schedule an appointment with us so we can adjust it or make you a new one. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Cynthia Wong Orthodontics of Orland Park, IL, call our office at (708) 444-8341 or visit our website, www.drcynthiawong.com